🪙Non-Custodial Rewards and Vaulting
Non-Custodial rewards at its best, with extra perks!
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Non-Custodial rewards at its best, with extra perks!
Last updated
We have multiple options for Holder Rewards and Vaulting platforms, with more to come. The first is a standard non-custodial reward option. The second option is a multiplicative platform, with features to multiply rewards for NFTs with specific traits. With future projects in mind, we have the capability to provide even more advanced reward options. The ability to vault tokens and NFTs, requiring each to be vaulted to access rewards will be available. Lastly, the ability to vault for increments of time will also be available. Vaulting in longer increments increases your reward output.
With our non-custodial rewards ran by Tekmirio we can offer this service for free, seamlessly transitioning your project into one people hold. We also have access to discounts on getting custom vaults created through our partners. For more information, there will be a "Vaulting Platform" Medium article in the near future.