Advanced project planning with creators and users in mind.
What are the Milestones?
When a project mints with us, funds are held under contract to be distributed to the minting project leaders upon reaching a milestone. The parameters of a milestone can be simplistic or vast, depending on what your project promises. Each project that mints with us will have an in-depth consultation where we collaborate to determine milestones, what funds are required to complete each milestone (including payment to founders), and proof of work for each creator working with your team (which can also be solely done by your team, we just need reasonable proof of ability). This should ensure your project is well thought out.
Advanced Planning
We will review every piece of your project and ensure you know the costs, the work required, and a general understanding of what is needed to succeed. Developing a successful project depends on many factors, and we are here to ensure all aspects are accounted for and offer suggestions as needed.
Investor Benefits
As an investor, you will know that every part of a minting has been reviewed. Milestones will ensure that your investment is protected and as safe as possible, as details have been methodically hashed out with every project that uses our protocol. Aside from all of our rewards systems (ISPO's, Vaulting and token buybacks (from services rendered and ISPO's) there are inherit benefits to minting our partners projects. This includes discounted mints with $SCALE Generator NFTs. Being able to fully dive into a project and how its funded on our upcoming UI. Refunds in the event of a project shut down, minting with $SCALE, allowlist and more!
Peace of Mind
A solid game plan is essential; having a second set of eyes on your plan can mitigate the chance of getting blindsided. When knowing your plan, we can help connect you with the right people and set the stages for success. Holding the funds in a legally bound escrow system until milestones are complete creates a more trustless relationship with your holders, where every milestone completion is money earned and an accomplishment worthy of celebration. We are proud to celebrate milestone achievements across our marketing channels! More information on our minting protocol can be found in our Pangolin Protocol medium article.
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